Every girl has a dream to own a beautiful designer bag. We all have our favourites whether its Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel or Hermes - there's always this one purse that we've coveted to add to our collection. Unfortunately, with the way our currency has tanked recently, it's getting harder and harder to buy items from abroad. Luckily we here at Secret Stash offer original pre-owned designer bags at a discount and we even have an exclusive instalment plan making it easier than ever to afford your dream bag.
Secret Stash's #OOTD Inspo!
Check out Secret Stash's #OOTD inspiration. High end and budget-friendly pieces stylised to fit your fashion requirements.
Steal Deals
Secret Stash puts forward our top steal deals for the week! Shop now for these fabulous luxury pieces at a steal!
DIY Love <3
Simple DIY's that will help you get your bags, shoes, and accessories in top shape without breaking the bank! Secret Stash loves DIY's <3.
Shopping on a Budget
Are you hoping to look stylish this summer but feeling the pinch of being on a budget? I feel you! It's not so easy on the pocket being an MBA student and having a day job here at Secret Stash (where it can be really difficult to resist shopping pretty much every day)! So as a self-proclaimed fashionista and for the love of shopping, I'm sharing my top picks for shopping on a budget.
Summer Wardrobe Essentials
Summer is officially here which means its time to upgrade your closet with some fun basics that you can wear all season long. We here at Secret Stash have picked our favourite bags, shoes and accessories from our current collection that will add a chic touch to your looks.
We Shop From Our Shop
The Secret Stash team reveals their own shopping. Yes, we also shop from our shop! We have bought some fabulous products at great prices. Shop now at Secret Stash for once in a lifetime deals.
The Black List
The weather is getting warmer and it's time to add those essential black picks to your wardrobe. Be sure to check out Secret Stash's top selection of black bags, shoes and sunglasses.
Our Favourite Pieces This Spring
The weather is getting warmer and it's time to upgrade your wardrobe with a fabulous new accessory that'll brighten up your look. Be sure to check out Secret Stash's top selection of spring trends for bags, shoes and sunglasses.
Brand New & Fabulous!
There's often a misconception where people think everything on Secret Stash is used. Yes, we have a lot of lovely pieces that are gently used and pre-loved but we also have a lot of stock that's absolutely BRAND NEW with their price tags and packing all still intact. So if you're looking to buy a present or just want to treat yourself to a NEW designer piece at fantastic prices then here's a list of treats that you'll absolutely love!