The Art of Mending

Buying vintage or preloved items can be a rewarding experience depending on your luck and timing. It's possible to find some real gems at at a mere fraction of their original price, and sometimes even spotting some rare designs that have long been discontinued.
Of course, fast fashion has dramatically changed the way most of us shop. In our busy lives, convenience often wins over quality. But if you want well made, durable luxury pieces, you have to accept that they require more maintenance than the average disposable piece.
Don't worry, this is not a DIY tip list (we have written some of those here). Instead, today I wanted to bring you some inspiration from a professional who restores luxury shoes. Hopefully, it will inspire you not to give up on your expensive footwear or leather accessories, and instead take them to see a pro!
Based in South Korea, VeTiVeR is a shoe repair and restoration business that uploads super satisfying, step-by-step videos where they dramatically transform old, damaged luxury shoes into something brand new.
From reviving these scuffed Repetto Ballet Flats
To polishing and re-soling these faded GUCCI Horsebit Loafers
And repainting and covering up stains on these Alexander McQueen sneakers
they clearly demonstrate that, in the right hands, footwear can be given a second life and look as good as it did the day it was bought.
If these videos inspired you, comment below and shout out the best leather cleaners, painters or mochis in your area. If you are based in Lahore and want to get shoes professionally cleaned, be sure to check out Shoeper Hero: a Pakistani startup that specializes in dry cleaning and rescuing worn out or stained shoes, that too at very reasonable prices!